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  • Snell Golf in Bloomberg!

    January 09, 2020 1 min read 4 Comments

    As we grow as a company it is always exciting to be found in the news!! We recently had the opportunity to talk with Michael Croley and discuss the golf ball industry, how we started and more. 

    Check out Michael's Bloomberg article here:



    4 Responses

    Jaime Perez
    Jaime Perez

    January 09, 2020

    I love this ball, A friend of mine gave me a sleeve of
    MTB balls to use them on a course that I had Never broke 80 before, I HIT 79 That’s 4 strokes lower than my lower score on same course.
    I then ordered THE MTB TEST PACK, played the same course and hit 82(mtb’s)a week later I played same course again with MTB-X HIT 77 (hit under 80 twice on a month)Love this balls!! I ordered 3 dozens 👍

    Dennis Norman
    Dennis Norman

    January 09, 2020

    I bought the test pack and was pleasantly surprised, the black was long and X cover is soft as any and great around the greens. My situation allows me to buy ProV at low cost so I’ll play them in cash games and Tournaments but these are eye opening balls performance and price wise. Good job.

    Dennis Norman
    Dennis Norman

    January 09, 2020

    I bought the test pack and was pleasantly surprised, the black was long and X cover is soft as any and great around the greens. My situation allows me to buy ProV at low cost so I’ll play them in cash games and Tournaments but these are eye opening balls performance and price wise. Good job.

    Mike Harhai
    Mike Harhai

    October 22, 2019

    The best golf ball for the price.

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